One of the beauties of the residential programmes is the opportunity for our students to meet and be taught by different teachers, and for those teachers to have the opportunity to teach off syllabus a little, and to challenge and explore preconceptions of a particular subject that our students may have! The reception for the teachers working on Wednesday morning suggested our students really enjoy that opportunity, and that is an absolute credit to both the cohorts, as well as the work of the teachers of themselves – we’re massively grateful for their time!

The nature of the Kent Academies Network also allows for the students to be exposed to subjects from the independent schools in the network that they may not study in their own schools, with the lessons in Latin and Greek this week a clear example of this. Both cohorts have approached these lessons and new concepts with an open mind, and have benefitted from these lessons, and long may this continue!

Clearly one of the aims of the programme is to prepare the students for the modern world and for the education or work opportunities they will ultimately seek to take as they move forward. It is with this in mind that we were so delighted to welcome Turing Lab back to Tonbridge yesterday as one of our regular external content providers, and the session they ran on coding was enjoyable, engaging and challenging to our students as always!

The pace of residentials is always fast, with a keen desire to fit as much as possible in to the programme, and the students enjoyed some well deserved down time with a film night last evening. Four days down and three to go – bring it on!